“Never Foul a Jump
Shooter: A Guide to Basketball Lingo, Lessons and Laughs” by Daniel Yost
Basketball, humor, definitions
Publish date:
March 10, 2015
164 pages
4 of 5 stars (very good)
All sports have their
own language and lingo. This book on
basketball lingo by Daniel Yost gives readers some insight into most of the
words and terms used in the game. They
range from those that are easy figure out (Charging) to clever (Charity Stripe)
to puzzling (Drop a Dime) to clever (Posterized). This is NOT just a dictionary or glossary –
there are plenty of opinions given and a lot of funny moments.
There are two characteristics of the book that Yost illustrates in the narrative
about most of the terms. One is how this term can relate to a situation in
everyday life. Now these “situations” may range from time on the job to
relationships to just day-to-day life.
The explanation of how this term may relate to the average person is a
nice touch instead of just explaining what the term means on a basketball
The other characteristic
of the book that the reader will appreciate is the humor. No matter the term, whether Yost likes the term or not, there are
many times the reader will chuckle or laugh out loud while reading about it. A very good example is the humor in his
rant about the term “drop a dime.” In basketball, the phrase is used for the
action of a player who is giving an assist to another player who scores. Yost
feels the person who invented the term should be “strung up” and he also has some
“news for ‘youse guys.’ An assist is a lot more valuable than a dime.” Nice to see read about how he really feels.
Overall, I gave this
book a rating of four stars as after a while, it did feel to have a bit of repetition. But the humor was so funny, it kept me going
to the end, and the basketball knowledge of the author shines through with his
explanation of each term. Basketball
fans of any level of the game will enjoy this funny and entertaining book
explaining many of the colorful terms used in the game today.
I wish to thank
Incorgnito Books for providing a copy of the book in exchange for an honest
Pace of the book:
This was a very quick
read as it is in the format of a dictionary or glossary with each term defined
listed alphabetically. However, as noted
in the review, these are NOT dictionary-type definitions and as a result it can
be read like a story.
Do I recommend?
Given the lingo and the use of many basketball references, non-fans may
have a hard time with this book, but basketball fans will enjoy it very much.
Book Format Read:
E-book (PDF)
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