Sunday, February 16, 2025

Review of “The Lion of the League”

Books about umpires can be just as good as those about baseball players or managers. This book is one example of this. Winner of the 2025 SABR Seymour Medal for best baseball history book or biography, here is my review of “Lion of the League.”


Lion of the League: Bob Emslie and the Evolution of the Baseball Umpire” by Larry R. Gerlach


4 of 5 stars (very good)


It’s not often that those attending a baseball game won’t hear fans, players, coaches and managers yelling and insulting the umpires. If one thinks umpires have a tough job today, it feels like an easy one after one reads what it was like for baseball umpires in the late 19th and early 20th century in this book. 

Author Larry R. Gerlach not only describes the work and life of the main subject of the book, Bob Emslie, but he also gives the reader a very good look at the difficulty arbiters face in the early days of Major League Baseball. Not only did they face criticism from those on the field, the press wasn’t kind to umpires either. The game at that time was fairly rough with many scuffles that an umpire had to settle. The rules and dimensions taken for granted now, such as balls and strikes and the dimensions of home plate, were often in flux at that time. Through it all, with all the associated train travel as well, Emslie became one of the most respected and long-lasting umpires of that era.

All this came after Emslie had an up-and-down playing career as a pitcher. When he realized that he was not going to continue as a pitcher, that’s when he decided to become an umpire to stay in the game. Whether it’s about Emslie’s pitching or his umpire skills, Gerlach writes with rich detail about individual games as well as the seasons to cover Emslie’s career that spanned more than 5 decades. The book has to be read carefully because of its rich detail, but that is well worth the time it takes to learn about one of the early pioneers of umpiring.

I wish to thank University of Nebraska Press for providing a review copy of the book. The opinions expressed in this review are strictly my own. 


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