
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Review of "The 100-Year Golfer"

I enjoy playing golf and while I cannot say that I hope to still be playing when I reach 100 years old (first, I hope to make it to that age!) this title made me stop and request the review copy - it was all that I had hoped for.  


“The 100-Year Golfer: 7 Arts for a Lifetime with the Game” by Ilchi Lee


5 of 5 stars (excellent)


Golf is a sport that is enjoyed by many of all ages as it is not as physically demanding as some other sports.  However, that doesn’t mean that one who doesn’t keep themselves healthy in both body and mind can play for the rest of their lives.  This book by best-selling author Ilchi Lee gives great tips and exercises that one can do to ensure they continue to enjoy the game for a long time.

The book will hit the reader right away as Lee shares the story of a 102-year old man who still plays the game regularly and walks the course instead of using a golf cart.  From there, Ilchi will intersperse more stories with his exercises that will help both the mind and the body.

There is nothing over-strenuous in the book for either the physical or the mental aspects. If there is more information about one or the other, it would be the mental portion as Ilchi does emphasize that mental focus is so important in the game. There are plenty of examples of what one can and should do to clear the mind of the golfer and help them concentrate on the course.  While Ilchi realizes that is easier said than done and mentions so several times, he does provide assistance so that this part of a golfer’s game can be as enjoyable as it can be.  The reduced stress and anger, he believes, will help the golfer live longer as well as improve their score.

The physical exercises, what he calls “quigong” exercises, are also very good.  No matter the physical fitness or strength of the individual, these can be done by anyone for any amount of time in which one feels comfortable.  He does compare the movements to tai chi as they are smooth and fluid – the same type of movement that is advised for the best golf shots.  Both of these sections are organized into short chapters which helps the ease of reading and also allows for putting the book down to try out the exercises.

It isn’t often that I will re-read review copies of books, even just sections, but this one is an exception.  As one who enjoys playing golf for exercise (I never use a cart) and relaxation, I plan on using these to keep enjoying the game as I grow older.  Anyone who enjoys golf will want to pick this up.

I wish to thank Pen & Sword History for providing a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Link: The 100-Year Golfer: 7 Arts for a Lifetime with the Game: Lee, Ilchi: 9781947502222: Books


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