
Thursday, March 31, 2022

Review of "Robotic Golf"

With March turning to April, those of us in northern colder areas are awaiting the opening of golf courses and enjoy the game.  This book was of interest to me as I am one of those anxiously awaiting the start of golf season and like every year, hope to improve my game.  Here is my review of "Robotic Golf"

Title/Author: “Robotic Golf:  How a High Handicap Golfer Can Become a Single Digit Golfer by a Guy Who Did It” by Larry Carpenter

Rating:  4 of 5 stars (very good)

Review:  Anyone who likes to play golf but struggles at hitting consistently good shots, like me, is always trying to do so.  This would not only improve a golfer’s handicap but would also make the game more enjoyable.  While many instructional books, videos and lessons from club professionals can help, many golfers become frustrated with them and fall back into old habits.  This instructional book from Larry Carpenter is meant to help golfers like this try something different to help improve their score.

The difference here is that, per Carpenter, many of these other sources will provide their lessons and tips from the viewpoint that a golfer should play the game by feel. In other words, don’t think too much about the mechanics as a golfer already has enough on his or her mind.  Just make that shot by feel. Instead, Carpenter believes that mechanics and repetition will make the high handicappers improve their game.  The reason why is that the “regular” golfer doesn’t have the same hand-eye coordination that professional golfers do, hence the need for other tactics to compensate.

From here, the book is not unlike other golf instruction books – ideas for drills and the tips that will help the golfer.  However, here Carpenter uses a bit of humor and a lot of instruction on mechanics that will help a golfer reduce mistakes such as opening up the club and hitting thin or fat shots.  Like other books, there will be repetition involved as he does tell the reader to practice several of these drills on the range. 

Speaking of repetition, that is another aspect of this golf instruction book that is a little different.  Carpenter makes sure to let the reader know that they won’t have the same skill set as the professional as he likes to say that if you could do ________, you wouldn’t be reading this book.  But it is stated in a way that is not insulting nor condescending.  Some of these tips can even be done in one’s basement or yard, not necessarily on the range or on the course.

All types of shots are covered in the book – from drives (which is actually the shortest section) to chipping to putting.  All club types are discussed as well and there are illustrations throughout the book for help.  However, I would recommend that one buys the paperback version as I had an advance Kindle copy and the pictures were upside down!  Having not seen the final version, I am confident this was noted and fixed before the final version, although I will be picking up the paperback so I can use it and hopefully be one of those high handicap golfers who benefit from this book.

I wish to thank Clovercroft Publishing for providing a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.


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