
Monday, November 15, 2021

Review of "The Baseball 100"

 A confession needs to be made about this review:  I did not read the entire book cover to cover - but this one doesn't require that in order to realize what a wonderful volume this is.  The review is short, but tells enough that this is a book for all baseball fans.  Here is my review of "The Baseball 100"

Title/Author: “The Baseball 100” by Joe Posnanski

Rating: 5 of 5 stars (excellent)


Given this title, this work sounds like yet another "best of" or "greatest" list.  While yes, it may be considered to be such, this one is very different than most other lists of the best players of a sport.  Joe Posnanski took the best characteristics of similar books and added some twists of his own to make this list one for every baseball fan.

The best feature to me is his numbering.  No, #1 does not necessarily mean it's the person who he believes is the most important person in baseball or the "best."  There are various reasons why he assigns some numbers.  Some are based on the uniform number worn.  Some are because that person is synonymous with the number – such as Joe DiMaggio coming in this book at #56.  Not because he's the 56th most important person listed but because for baseball history, 56 is the first number people think of with DiMaggio.

The volume is quite big at over 800 pages, which means there is more just basic information – which is true for every person listed.  It is not a book to read in one sitting but instead one to keep on the shelf or cloud and pull it out every now and then to enjoy learning or re-learning about some of the greatest people in baseball history.

I wish to thank Avid Reader Press for providing a copy of the book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Links: The Baseball 100 by Joe Posnanski, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( The Baseball 100 eBook : Posnanski, Joe: Kindle Store


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