
Saturday, August 14, 2021

Review of “The 50 Greatest Players In Minnesota Vikings History”

 As a lifetime Vikings fan, I was thrilled to see review copies of this book offered and even more happy when my request was granted. Here is my review of this list of all-time Vikings greats.

Title/Author: "The 50  Greatest Players in Minnesota Vikings History " by Robert W. Cohen

Rating: 4 of 5 stars (very good)

Review: While they may have never won a Supr Bowl, the Minnesota Vikings have a long list of exceptional players who have won several awards, complied excellent statistics and careers, and have given their all for the team. Author Robert W. Cohen, who is noted for writing books containing lists of the 50 greatest players for various team, chooses the Vikings for his latest compilation.

As with his other books, Cohen doesn’t make the reader wait to find out who is #1 on the list. Starting with the player who ranked the highest using his scale (which is always explained well at the start of his books), he will write a chapter on each of the top 50 with a very brief biography, a chronology of his career which would include his best season(s) and his life after retirement. Then Cohen lists some of the best games and moments in that player’s time with the Vikings.

It should also be noted that Cohen stresses that his ranking will count only for the time a player is with the team who is the subject of the book. So, for example, Brett Fabre would not make this list even though he is a Hall of Fame quarterback since he only spent his last two seasons with the Vikings. There are some players whose time with the Vikings was long enough and good enough to make this list even if they were also successful elsewhere such as Gary Zimmerman.

Also, like any other book that lists the greatest of all time, some readers will disagree with either the ranking, the players included or both. This reviewer felt the list of players is mostly correct but has some issues with the ranking. And what good would a book like this be if there wasn’t some disagreement? Cohen always makes these lists of greatest players interesting and this lifetime Vikings fan is grateful that he picked the team for his latest project.

I wish to thank Lyons Press for providing a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. 


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