
Saturday, May 23, 2020

Review of "Gotham Baseball"

While I cannot call myself a big fan of New York baseball except for the Mets, I nonetheless was intrigued by the subject of this book when making up an all-New York baseball team.  It was a terrific, quick read that baseball readers would enjoy, whether or not they are New York fans.  Here is my review of "Gotham Baseball"

“Gotham Baseball: New York’s All Time Team” by Mark C Healey

Baseball, professional, history, Yankees, Giants, Mets, Dodgers

Publish date:
April 6, 2020

208 pages

5 of 5 stars (excellent)

One of the best aspects of sports is that it leaves room for spirited debates, especially when trying to determine who was the best at whatever position, sport, or topic being discussed.  This book will certainly ignite one of those debates, as sports journalist Mark Healey lists his all-time New York baseball team from all four major league teams that have called the city their home.

It should be noted right away that Healey is a Mets fan and wears that on his sleeve (or on the pages) throughout the book.  However, that doesn’t take away his objectivity in selecting this team as all four teams are well represented and he makes solid arguments for each one. This includes selections that on the surface seem impossible to believe, such as Joan Payson as the best owner over George Steinbrenner or Jacob Ruppert and Mike Piazza as the best catcher over Yogi Berra, Bill Dickey or Roy Campanella.  

These really are not bad choices once he writes his explanation and he also includes praise for others who deserve consideration for the honor.  This includes chapter on other positions where the choice was very easy, such as Lou Gehrig at first base, Babe Ruth in right field and Derek Jeter at shortstop.  Each honoree on Healey’s team is given the praise he or she rightfully deserves.

Healey’s experience covering New York baseball is evident throughout the book as he weaves many personal observations in the text.  At first, this reviewer thought it was going to be very self-serving, but while reading the book, it is clear that is not the case – these observations are simply used as evidence on why he chose the players he did for this team.  It should also be noted that Healey does a lot of “book-dropping” (like name dropping) for sources of information on the chapter subject and that is proof of his extensive research for the book as well.  There are so many good baseball books referenced in this one that any reader who loves to read on the sport will have his or her to-be-read list grow while reading this one.

Any reader interested in New York baseball, whether past or current, will enjoy reading about this all-New York team and the debates that are sure to follow when discussing who were the best players in New York baseball history.
Book Format Read:
E-book (Kindle)                                                                                                                               

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