
Monday, July 15, 2019

Review of "Bases to Bleachers"

When a social media friend who is a big a baseball fan as I am asked me to take a look at his book, I was happy to do so.  What I discovered was an excellent collection of baseball stories from ordinary people, aka fans, that are great to read.  Here is my review of that book, "Bases to Bleachers"


“Bases to Bleachers” A Collection of Personal Baseball Stories from the Stands and Beyond” by Eric C. Gray


Baseball, collection, short stories, fans

Publish date:

March 1, 2019


337 pages


4 ½  of 5 stars (excellent)


Anyone who has even a passing interest in baseball will have a story or two or ten to tell about the game.  From a simple question to his family, Eric C. Gray has taken that question and developed it into a wonderful collection of baseball stories gathered from people across the world in this book. 

A vast majority of the stories are a joy to read. Not all, but most – as is the case for any type of collection like this, there will be some stories that readers may not enjoy and that was the case for me.  As for the good-to-excellent pieces, some are funny, some are tear-jerkers, some are proud moments of accomplishment, and some involve love at the ballpark.  Not only are the stories varied in their themes and interests, so are the contributors as Gray received stories from all over the globe for inclusion in the book. 

Written by fans for fans, this excellent collection of baseball stories is sure to have something for everyone.  Because it is a collection, the book can be digested in whatever manner a reader wishes.  It can be read for a short time, picked up later and continued or a reader can read through the stories in one sitting. No matter how someone reads it, “Bases to Bleachers” is sure to be a hit with any baseball fan.

I wish to thank Mr. Gray for providing a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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