
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Review of "Baseball Dreams, Fishing Magic"

This was a book that I discovered purely by accident.  When searching on Kindle Unlimited for a particular book, I not only found that one but also this one.  I decided on reading this one first - and it was a very good decision.  Here is my review of "Baseball Dreams, Fishing Magic"

Baseball Dreams, Fishing Magic” by Mike Reuther

Baseball, fishing, fiction

Publish date:
July 1, 2014

137 pages

5 of 5 stars (outstanding)


One piece of advice that nearly everyone has heard, whether from a parent, teacher or some other figure, is that people should follow their dreams.  However, if one is not so sure what those dreams are, it might be difficult to follow them.  This dilemma was faced by Nick Grimes, the young man who is the protagonist in this wonderful short novel by Mike Reuther. 

Nick was a successful high school pitcher who had the talent to be signed by the Detroit Tigers, but never was able to advance beyond the lower minor leagues. He decides to give up baseball and work with a friend back home in central Pennsylvania in his plumbing business.  The friend, Hal, also enjoys fly fishing and Nick discovers how much he likes it as well. Nick soon opens his own business where clients pay for a guided day of fly fishing, but like baseball, Nick questions this choice as well.

The character of Nick, as well as those of his father, Hal and Jess, a young woman with whom Nick is smitten, is well-developed in the book.  This is even more impressive given the short length of the story.  More words and pages are devoted to understanding these characters than outside details, which makes the characters and their relationships the heart and soul of the book.  One other character that should be mentioned is Sir Jon, a recluse who lives in a cabin he built himself.  Nick met him while fly fishing and he imparts some wisdom as well.

Baseball is a regular theme, though, throughout the book and the scenes in which Nick is pitching, whether good or bad, are ones that any baseball fan will love.  The reader will be feeling the same emotions as Nick whether he strikes out the side or gives up a grand slam. 

A wonderful story with realistic characters, “Baseball Dreams, Fishing Magic” is a story that readers of many ages and interest will enjoy.  It is a short but very engaging book.

Book Format Read:
E-book (Kindle)

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