
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Review of "Baseball Dads"

While this was a fictional book that I enjoyed reading, I struggled to decide whether or not to include this book here as it truly isn't a "sports" book.  The baseball is more of a setting to the main part of the story and the characters just happen to have kids playing baseball to draw them together.  I decided to include it here in case it does help someone decide whether or not to pick up this book.  Here is my review of "Baseball Dads."

“Baseball Dads” by Matthew S. Hiley

Baseball, fiction, murder, family

Publish date:
September 15, 2015

263 pages

4 of 5 stars (very good)

While the title may make a reader think this story is about baseball, it really isn't. It is a story of social classes, murder, drugs, sex...And some little league baseball thrown in as well.

The story centers around Dwayne Devoe, a middle class business owner in the suburbs of Fort Worth. He is drowning in debt, his business has a large numbers of unpaid accounts and his wife has been having numerous affairs. However, his son Alex is a good player for the local baseball team and there isn't anything that Dwayne won't do for him. When the coach won't pay Alex and the more skilled players in favor of less talented kids whose parents are socially connected, Dwayne decides to take action.

With the help of three other "baseball dads" the plan goes into effect. What follows leads to a trail of dead bodies, Jedi warriors, raunchy sex (but not graphically written in the book) and even some wins for Alex's team.

The story reads at a lightning fast pace as one never knows what the next move will be for Dwayne and the dads. There are many funny moments which will make the reader laugh. Many times I was saying phrases to myself such as "What the Heck?" (or stronger) as some the situations and actions are just so bizarre. One example is what Dwayne used to fertilize the baseball field. I won't give that away here...But it isn't something that is recommended to use on your lawn.

If you like dark stories with lots of mayhem and raunch, this is your story. Not recommended for readers under 18. This is a very entertaining book that will leave the reader laughing.

I wish to thank Greenleaf Book Group Press for providing a copy of the book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Book Format Read:
E-book (Kindle)

Buying links:

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