
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Review of "Among the Giants"

When I recieved an email from the publisher of this book, I was intrigued - a "giant" in the basketball world that wasn't a well known coach or professional all-star?   It is a very good book for teens and young adults with a message that is familiar but told in a unique manner.  Here is my review of "Among the Giants." 


“Among the Giants: How One Underdog Pursued His Dream and You Can Too” by Jesse LeBeau

Basketball, young adult, goals

Publish date:
October 23, 2014

254 pages

4 of 5 stars (very good)

Jesse LeBeau did not grow up in an area where basketball was an important part of the culture.  As an undersized kid in Alaska, he realized that if he was going to be able to pursue his dreams for success in the sport, he had to work hard and make sacrifices.  While he didn’t become a star in the NBA, LeBeau has had success with the game by playing charitable games and shooting commercials with professional stars like Allen Iverson and Kevin Durant.  He doesn’t take his success for granted and wanted to share the message of what it takes to succeed in this book.

The format of the book is like a basketball game, divided into four quarters, two overtime periods, the locker room and “post-game training.”  A total of 28 lessons, on everything from the right attitude to setting goals and always giving your best effort, are told in short chapters that are easy to read and follow.  LeBeau tells them in a manner that the reader will be able to feel his emotions, which are mostly joy, and will want to apply them to his or her endeavors.

There are also plenty of stories of Jesse’s interactions with famous people.  These are not just with basketball players, but other celebrities such as Heidi Klum and Dr. Dre.  Just like with the chapters on which LeBeau is advising the readers of life’s lessons, Jesse tells these stories with enthusiasm and joy.  Here the reader can feel the little kid in LeBeau as he shares these anecdotes – which have valuable lessons as well.

While this book is geared for young people, older adults will enjoy it as well.  Many of the traits and lessons can be applied in a grown-up world as well.  It was fun and entertaining to read as well and there are even some good basketball stories thrown in, especially the charity game that Jesse played with Iverson. 

Whether the reader wants to get some advice on what to do for a successful future, a parent wants to find out how to talk to his or her children about it or even just for a fun read, this book will do the trick. 

I wish to thank Mr. LeBeau and Familius for providing a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Did I skim?

Do I recommend? 
Absolutely – great message for teenagers and young adults presented in a way that they will enjoy reading. 

Book Format Read:
Ebook (Nook using the Google Play Books app)

Book site (for more information)

Other Buying links:

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