
Friday, March 1, 2019

Review of "After the Miracle"

2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the "Miracle Mets", the first championship won by the New York Mets. Many people, fans and players alike, have fond memories of that team and one of the players, Art Shamsky, has shared them in a book co-written with Erik Sherman.  Here is my review of "After the Miracle"

“After the Miracle: The Lasting Brotherhood by the ’69 Mets” by Art Shamsky and Erik Sherman
Baseball, history, memoir, Mets, championship

Publish date:
March 19, 2019

336 pages

4 of 5 stars (very good)

The 1969 New York Mets are known for a very surprising championship season that was considered by some to be a miracle, hence they got the moniker “the Miracle Mets.”  One of the players from that team, outfielder Art Shamsky, got together with three of his teammates and author Erik Sherman to relive that glorious season and share many baseball stories.
Shamsky and Sherman, along with Bud Harrelson and Ron Swoboda, paid a visit to Tom Seaver’s home in California and there all four players shared some great stories together, laughing frequently despite the health issues of Harrelson and Seaver.  While those passages made up the best parts of the book, they really did not take up a lot of the book.  Instead a great portion of the book is a full season recap of that 1969 season, mainly from Shamsky’s viewpoint.
However, because Shamsky obtained many different quotes on the season from many of his teammates, it is far from a dry recap of games and victories.  The various viewpoints from many players, stars and bench players alike, give the reading of the 1969 Mets season a fresh look. It also helps to validate the notion that every player contributed to that special season, not just a few star players.  While Shamsky writes his recollections in a nice conversational manner, the stories from others give it a nice touch.
While this reader wishes the heartwarming reunion between the four teammates in a nice California home was a bigger part of this book, it is nonetheless a book that every Mets fan should have on his or her shelves.  With so many people remembering this team fondly, even if they weren’t born yet to witness them, any book on the 1969 Mets is sure to be enjoyed by the team’s fans of any age.
I wish to thank Simon and Schuster for providing a copy of the book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Book Format Read:
E-book (Kindle)

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1 comment:

  1. Lance I suspect someone we both know is not going to want to have anything to do with this book. Sounds good though.
